Report: Debt collection in New Zealand: Considering the case for adoption of guidelines, modelled on Australian debt collection guidelines, to address poor conduct by debt collectors 

In this extended article Victoria University senior lecturer Victoria Stace explores evidence of harrasment by debt collectors in Aotearoa and the case for adopting Australia’ approach to preventing the issue. 

A shorter journal article version was also published in the New Zealand Business Law Quarterly in 2020 and titled: Debt Collection in New Zealand: Enlivening the Prohibition Against Harassment and Coercion in s 23 of the Fair Trading Act 1986 

FinCap is calling for the introduction of robust regulations for debt collection in Aotearoa. Robust regulations would mean people, whanau, and communities facing hardship and the financial mentors assisting them are treated fairly by debt collectors or can pursue timely and effective recourse when treated unfairly.