Want or need? Tamariki know the difference

Paying for holiday, the power bill, food, a visit to the hairdresser, fuel or a WOF… is it a want or a need?

That’s the question tamariki were asked at the Eastbay REAP Kawerau Heart2Heart Children’s Day 2021 recently.

MoneyTalks Promotor Kyra Walker attended the event alongside Budget Advisory Service Rangitaiki staff Evelyn Moses and Taima Huta, to help raise whānau awareness of financial capability.

Kyra says the event was “successful” and a great opportunity to promote the mahi MoneyTalks does in the community.

“I was very overwhelmed to see so many children and elderly taking part in activities that Eastbay REAP organised,” says Kyra.

“Their participation and interaction with all local service providers, especially at our table, was so enjoyable.”

In one of the games run by Evelyn and Taima, about 100 tamariki were asked to sort a list of common expenses into wants and needs – an important tool in building financial capability.

“We have some very smart tamariki who played our games and they made sure to answer each task without parents input and with confidence,” says Kyra.

“Every year the event gets bigger and bigger and parents who I spoke to love coming because their children get some lovely free goodies, and the atmosphere has a great vibe for the youths in our local community.”

If you, or anybody you know, needs more support with their finances, contact alongside Budget Advisory Service Rangitaiki on 07 323 6653 or our MoneyTalks helpline team on 0800 345 123.