
All in Aotearoa should have ongoing full access to safe, affordable and reliable water services. For some whānau, no matter what the price is, any charge for this essential service will be unaffordable. To achieve the goals of this reform, legislation should embed from the...

Across Aotearoa over 600 dedicated financial mentors are walking alongside whānau every day, as they navigate a pathway toward financial well-being. As highlighted in the Budget Policy Statement, having an income that can meet the needs of a whānau is a key factor in the...

Parents, children, carers and whānau members should be able to participate fully in their communities to increase the prosperity of whānau and the wider community. The public management system needs to truly work for whānau in Aotearoa. No tamariki should have to go without essentials...

Whānau should not be facing significant harm from of high-pressure sales where commissions mean salespeople are incentivised to provide expensive products or services of little or no value. Such practices should be prohibited to prevent price discrimination that worsens the situation of whānau who are...

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